Next Steps To Eradicate Illiteracy

Elementary School Book Bank
There are many things you can do to promote literacy in your community.
Here are a few ideas. There are numerous successful programs that we've sponsored. It will likely take months for us to add them all to this page, but want everyone to start thinking about what they can do to be part of the solution. (please email us to add ideas to this list)
- Donate books to schools, prisons, medical centers, homeless shelters, food banks, nursing homes...
- Create a book bank at your local school
- Host a book swap at a senior center/ community center
- Host a book sale and donate remainder books
- Provide books to home bound adults
- Volunteer at a literacy council
- Teach an adult to read / contact your local literacy council for guidance
- Tutor a student / contact your local school for guidance
- Read to seniors or students
- Contact your local prison and ask what books they need - then do a book drive to meet the need.
- Establish a summer reading initiative for kids & adults. Be sure to get the word out BEFORE the end of school.
In the future, we will create links with separate pages for each of these ideas.
We will share instructions and community feedback.