2016: A Year In Review for Three Struggling Literacy Organziations & Velocity of Books
2016 has been bittersweet for local literacy organizations. It was the last book sale for Smith College, which held their annual sale in Timonium, MD for fifty-eigh years. The proceeds from this sale went to finance scholarships for Baltimore area women to attend Smith College.
It is also marks the closing of Books for America, which donated over 1,000,000 to the community for more than fourteen years.
Now, Books for International Goodwill in Annapolis, MD, which promoted literacy through the distribution of books locally, nationally and internationally for seventeen years, is closing their doors at it's current site. We hope that they will find another location to re-open their doors. They've been looking for a new / affordable location for a year.
These organizations brought millions of books to the community for little or no cost. There are people who would not have a single book in their home if it weren't for these organizations.
What can the community do to support organizations like these in the future?
- Call and offer your assistance.
- Host book sales and other fund raising events and donate a portion of the proceeds back to organizations which can provide you an abundance of free books.
- Provide them with a direct donation or endowment.
- Many hands make for light work.
Literacy is the tool to access all other education. Without literacy, it is nearly impossible to obtain an education. Individuals who are impoverished have limited access to books and some may not have a single book in their home. Organizations designed to get books into the homes of those in need are essential for breaking the chain of poverty and empowering people to take advantage of opportunities available to those who read.
At Velocity of Books, we have been reluctant to ask the community for financial support. We work hard to keep our expenses extremely low. This includes arranging office and storage space at no cost. Having free books delivered from our for profit literacy partners, opposed to paying to pick up the books whenever possible. There are still overhead costs, insurance, website, event materials and fuel are just a few expenses which can't be avoided. Make your donation to promote literacy today. We don't want to be a bittersweet story of the services we provided, but can't afford to continue promoting literacy.
In 2016 Velocity of Books:
Established a relationship with Discover Books, that now provides an endless supply of free books, which we distribute to the community. Discover Books is a for-profit online book seller, whose business model encompasses giving back to the community. This is inline with the core values of Velocity of Books.
We opened a book bank at Glenallan Elementary School in Silver Spring, MD, where we donated more than 6,000 books.
More than 17,500 books were distributed at events in both Rockville and Baltimore, Maryland.
Founders toured northeast USA and Canada promoting literacy and learning what other regions are doing to promote literacy so that they can share these ideas with other organizations which promote literacy.
Tens of thousands of books were given to elementary schools to fill their school libraries, classroom libraries, and for kids to take home and keep.
Thousands of books were donated, so that they could be shipped to Nigeria and Sierra Leon.
Velocity of Books received a Governor's Citation for our successful promotion of literacy.
Please help us continue to be of service to others. Whether you can make a monetary donation or not, your help is still needed. Whether you have a single hour to give; an hour a month or an hour a week. We will gladly accept your help.
Donate Now to make a difference
Jack and Julian Thompson are dedicating their lives to make a difference.
They've met with leaders of organizations throughout the US and Canada to discuss ways to promote literacy.
Public Library Niagra Falls, Canada
Book Donations
Book Donations and Distributions ( We never sell books)
To date, Velocity of Books has distributed over 424,005 books.
We are now on track to facilitate the distribution of more than 1,000,000 books a year by 2023. If your organization is in need of books, please use this form: https://www.velocityofbooks.org/free_books_by_the_pallet_order_form
--->We accept donations of children and adult books (gently used to new condition) <---
2023: 1,290+ Books Distributed
09/12/2023 250 books distributed to Catholic Charities Center Silver Spring, MD
09/12/2023 150 books distributed to Goowill
09/10/2023 80 books distributed to Blacksburg Police
08/19/2023 60 books distributed to Blacksburg Police
07/24/2023 300 books distributed to Catholic Charities Center Silver Spring, MD
07/24/2023 250 books distributed to Goowill
05/23/2023 300 books distributed to Catholic Charities Center Silver Spring, MD
05/24/2023 100 books distributed to Goowill
02/28/2023 400 books distributed to Catholic Charities Center Silver Spring, MD
2022: 4,300+ Books Distributed
06/24/2022 300 books distributed to Catholic Charities Center Silver Spring, MD
05/29/2022 400 books distributed to Catholic Charities Center Silver Spring, MD
02/27/2022 1,800 books delivered to Meadow Hall Elm
02/27/2022 1,800 books delivered to Carl Sandburg Learning Center
2021: 58,260+ Books Distributed
12/08/2021 1,800 books delivered to Sargent Shriver Elm. School
11/19/2021 3,600 books delivered to Islamic Center of Maryland
11/19/2021 1,800 books delivered to Carl Sandburg Learning Center
11/19/2021 7,200 books distributed to Children In Need of Washington County
11/01/2021 1,800 books delivered to Wheaton Woods Elm
10/29/2021 3,600 books distributed to Watkins Mill Elm
09/21/2021 100 books delivered to Concord University Professor of Education Willy Williams
09/21/2021 100 books delivered to Christiansburg Elementary School
06/13/2021 3,600 books distributed to Mater Amoris Montessori School
05/02/2021 3,600 books distributed to Adventist Community Services
04/21/2021 1,800 books delivered to Islamic Center of Maryland
04/21/2021 1,800 books delivered to Takoma Park Middle School Difference Makers
04/21/2021 1,800 books delivered to Sargent Shriver Elm
04/21/2021 1,800 books delivered to Project Bright Future
04/21/2021 100 books delivered to Concord University Professor of Education Willy Williams
04/21/2021 7,200 books delivered to So What Else
04/06/2021 400 books delivered to Centronia
04/06/2021 800 books delivered to Echelon Academy
04/01/2021 3,600 books distributed to Adventist Community Services
03/29/2021 3,600 books distributed to Children In Need of Washington County
03/08/2021 455 books distributed to Christiansburg Middle School
03/08/2021 1,800 books delivered to The Islamic Center of Maryland
03/04/2021 400 books delivered to YMCA at Virginia Tech
January/February 5,505
02/28/2021 525 books distributed to Concord University Dept. of Education
02/27/2021 155 books distributed to Christiansburg Middle School
02/10/2021 300 books distributed to Concord University Dept. of Education
02/10/2021 525 books distributed to Johns Hopkins Children’s Center
01/29/2021 3,600 books distributed to East Silver Spring Elementary School
01/29/2021 400 books distributed to Catholic Charities Center Silver Spring, MD
2020: 54,700+ Books Distributed
12/17/2020 3,600 books distributed to Viers Mill Elementary School
12/09/2020 400 books distributed to Catholic Charities Center Silver Spring, MD
12/06/2020 3600 books delivered to Durrett
11/28/2020 300 books distributed to Montgomery County Christmas Store
11/24/2020 300 books distributed to Montgomery County Christmas Store
01/04/2020 3,600 books distributed to Project JULIA
11/04/2020 3,600 books distributed to Robinson Smiles and HOPE
11/04/2020 3,600 books distributed to MUH Way
11/04/2020 3,600 books distributed to Viers Mill Elementary School
11/02/2020 100 books distributed to Concord University Professor of Education Willy Williams
10/10/2020 300 books distributed to Montgomery County Christmas Store
10/02/2020 100 books distributed to Concord University Professor of Education Willy Williams
10/10/2020 300 books distributed to Margaret Beeks Elementary School
09/02/2020 300 books distributed to Concord University Professor of Education Willy Williams
07/30/2020 800 books delivered to YMCA at Virginia Tech
06/30/2020 7,200 books delivered to Baltimore City
02/07/2020 5,000 books distributed to Upper County Community Center 8201 Emory Grove Rd, Gaithersburg, MD 20877 (Pending)
02/01/2020 5,000 books distributed to East County Community Center 3310 Gateshead Manor Way, Silver Spring, MD 20904
01/31/2020 1,800 books distributed to Liberty Elementary School
01/24/2020 3,600 books distributed to Project JULIA
01/24/2020 1,800 books distributed to Habitat for Humanity ReStore Rockville
01/13/2020 5400 books distributed to Takoma Park Middle School
01/03/2020 400 books distributed to Catholic Charities Center Silver Spring, MD
2019: 62,171+ Books Distributed
November/ December: 19,171
12/23/2019 1,571 books distributed to Blacksburg Library
12/02/2019 300 books distributed to Rockville Kiwanis
12/02/2019 3,600 books distributed to University of Maryland Children's Medical Center
12/02/2019 3,600 books distributed to Project Julia
12/02/2019 1,800 books distributed to Robinson Smiles and Hope
11/26/2019 3,600 books distributed to Baltimore International Academy West
11/26/2019 1,800 books distributed to Candlewood ES
11/26/2019 1,800 books distributed to Lake Seneca Elm
11/26/2019 1,100 books distributed to Catholic Charities Santa Barbara via Pomegranate Publishing
September/ October 9,800
10/10/2019 3,800 books distributed to Mid County Community Center Book-Swap
09/30/2019 1,800 books distributed to Takoma/ Langley Crossroads
09/30/2019 1,800 books distributed to Dolly Reads
09/27/2019 1,800 books distributed to Hyde-Addison Elementary School
09/21/2019 600 books distributed to Catholic Charities Center Silver Spring, MD
June/ July 7,200
07/23/2019 3,600 books distributed to Edmonston Village Shopping Center
06/21/2019 3,600 books distributed to Kemp Mill Elementary
April/ May 6,600
05/21/2019 600 books distributed to City of Rockville Equipment Show
05/21/2019 600 books distributed to Catholic Charities Center Silver Spring, MD
04/09/2019 1,800 books distributed to ET Fashions05 Guyana Kids
04/09/2019 1,800 books distributed to Wheaton High School- Wheaton, Maryland
04/09/2019 1,800 books distributed to Forest Knolls Elementary School
January/ February 20,100
02/13/2019 200 books distributed to Catholic Charities Center Silver Spring, MD
02/13/2019 3,600 books distributed to Habitat for Humanity ReStore
02/13/2019 300 books distributed to Manna Food Distribution Center
02/07/2019 3,600 books distributed to Takoma Park Middle School
02/07/2019 1,800 books distributed to POWHATAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL
02/07/2019 400 books distributed to Groovetown Lounge
01/07/2019 1,800 books distributed to Truesdell Educational Campus
01/02/2019 800 books distributed to Manna Food Distribution Center
01/02/2019 800 books distributed to Catholic Charities Center Silver Spring, MD
01/02/2019 6,800 books distributed to Books for International Goodwill
2018: 52,585 Books Distributed
12/28/2018 1,800 books distributed to Montgomery Mall
12/28/2018 50 books distributed to Brookside Gardens
12/16/2018 50 books distributed to Brookside Gardens
12/12/2018 1,800 books distributed to Luxmanor Elementary School
12/12/2018 5,400 books distributed to Books for International Goodwill
12/12/2018 1,800 books distributed to Rosemont Elementary
12/10/2018 450 books distributed to Westfield Wheaton to give away free to mall guests Breakfast w/ Santa
12/03/2018 400 books distributed to Manna Food Distribution Center
12/01/2018 3,600 books distributed to Habitat for Humanity ReStore (Rockville and Silver Spring)
11/09/2018 150 books distributed to Manna Food Distribution Center
11/09/2018 50 books distributed to Brookside Gardens
10/18/2018 200 books distributed to Manna Food Distribution Center
10/01/2018 200 books distributed to Target Wheaton, Maryland Reading Event
09/27/2018 200 books distributed to Target Wheaton, Maryland Reading Event / Coffee w/ a Cop
09/20/2018 1,800 books distributed to Highland Elementary School
09/12/2018 1,800 books distributed to S. Christa McAuliffe ES
09/12/2018 1,800 books distributed to Allenwood Elementary School - PGCPS
09/12/2018 1,800 books distributed to Watkins Mill Elementary School
09/12/2018 1,800 books distributed to Catherine T. Reed Home Page - PGCPS
09/12/2018 1,800 books distributed to Groovetown Lounge
08/28/2018 450 books distributed to Westfield Wheaton Back to School
8/17/2018 1300 books distributed to Montgomery County Public Schools, Virginia
8/17/2018 300 books distributed to Margaret Beeks Elementary School Book Swap Station (Various dates through summer)
8/17/2018 300 books distributed to Dreamfield International School Ghana Africa
08/16/2018 200 books distributed to Manna Food Distribution Center
07/12/2018 400 books distributed to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
06/19/2018 750 books distributed to Mary's Center
06/19/2018 50 books distributed to Brookside Gardens
6/07/2017 400 University of Maryland School of Medicine
06/01/2018 1,800 books distributed to Kemp Mill Elementary
05/30/2018 1250 books distributed to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
05/28/2018 150 books distributed to Manna Food Distribution Center
05/28/2018 50 books distributed to McCarrick Family Center
05/19/2018 750 books distributed to National Public Works Week Equipment Show
04/12/2018 250 books distributed to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
04/12/2018 150 books distributed to Manna Food Distribution Center
04/12/2018 150 books distributed to McCarrick Family Center
3/14/2018 1,800 books distributed to Luxmanor Elementary School
3/14/2018 1,800 books distributed to Waters Landing ES
3/07/2018 1,800 books distributed to Westfield Montgomery
3/07/2018 400 books distributed to Manna Food Distribution Center
02/14/2018 450 books distributed to Manna Food Distribution Center
02/12/2018 750 books distributed to McCarrick Family Center
02/07/2018 150 books distributed to Manna Food Distribution Center
02/07/2018 3,600 books distributed to Takoma Park Middle School
02/01/2018 50 books distributed to Montgomery Mall
02/01/2018 3,600 books distributed to Galway Elementary School
01/15/2018 75 books distributed to Maryland Book Bank
01/12/2018 700 books distributed to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
01/06/2018 10 books distributed to Chase Partnership House Rockville, MD
01/05/2018 150 books distributed to Manna Food Distribution Center
2017 Books Distributed 72,299
12/18/2017 400 books distributed to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
12/08/2017 250 books distributed to Chase Partnership House Rockville, MD
12/14/2017 450 books distributed to Westfield Wheaton to give away free to mall guests in kids area.
12/14/2017 1,800 books distributed to Rosemont Elementary School
12/12/2017 20 books distributed to Taste of India, Winchester, VA Book Swap Station
12/08/2017 150 books distributed to Manna Food Distribution Center
12/05/2017 350 books distributed to McCarrick Family Center
12/05/2017 1,050 books distributed to Takoma Park Middle School
12/05/2017 600 books distributed to REAL program through JCA Interages Center
12/01/2017 1,700 books distributed to Dar Al Hijrah Elementary School
12/01/2017 1,700 books distributed to Parklawn Elementary School
12/01/2017 1,700 books distributed to Washington Grove Elementary School
11/28/2017 350 books distributed to Comfort Cases
11/27/2017 450 books distributed to Westfield Wheaton to give away free to mall guests in kids area.
11/22/2017 450 books distributed to Westfield Wheaton to give away free to mall guests in kids area.
11/07/2017 1,800 books distributed to Flower Hill Elementary School
11/07/2017 400 books distributed to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
11/02/2017 1,800 books distributed to Rosemont Elementary School
11/02/2017 139,400 books distributed to Maryland Book Bank Year to Date
10/31/2017 1,800 books distributed to Christa McAuliffe Elementary School
10/31/2017 1,800 books distributed to Montgomery Knolls Elementary School
8/25/2017 500 books distributed to: Habitat for Humanity ReStore Rockville
8/24/2017 60 books distributed to Rockville Science Center
8/18/2017 580 books distributed to Glenallan Elementary
8/15/2017 1,500 books distributed to McCarrick Family Center
8/15/2017 60 books distributed to Georgia Avenue Baptist Church / ESOL Program
8/15/2017 500 books distributed to: Habitat for Humanity ReStore Rockville
8/05/2017 200 books distributed to the community at Dawson's Market Rockville, MD via Kiwanis Volunteers
8/04/2017 80 books distributed to Georgia Avenue Baptist Church / ESOL Program
8/04/2017 20 books distributed to Brookside Gardens Nature Center - Free Standing Library
8/04/2017 120 books distributed to: Manna Food Distribution Center
7/03/2017 1,800 books distributed to Dorothy Heights Elementary School
6/23/2017 1,500 books distributed to: Habitat for Humanity ReStore Rockville
6/23/2017 160 books distributed to Children's Hospital (bat mitzvah community service project - Contacted by neighborhood listserv)
6/23/2017 10,000 books distributed to Africa Gives Back International (Pending)
6/19/2017 50 books distributed to: Wheaton Midas
6/19/2017 20 books distributed to Brookside Gardens Nature Center - Free Standing Library
6/19/2017 120 books distributed to: Manna Food Distribution Center
6/17/2017 13,300 books distributed to Dreamfield International School Ghana Africa
6/17/2017 8,500 books distributed to the community for the event held at Westfield Wheaton Plaza
6/12/2017 50 books distributed to: Wheaton Midas book swap station
6/11/2017 1,000 REAL programs through JCA Interages Center (Pending)
6/06/2017 400 books distributed to Glenallan Elementary
06/02/2017 300 books distributed to Glenwaye Gardens Community for Community Book Bank
05/29/2017 150 books distributed to Mary's Center
05/25/2017 250 books distributed to Manna Food Distribution Center
5/22/2017 250 books distributed to SEGA Girls School Tanzania
5/22/2017 500 books distributed to Rockville City
5/02/2017 1,600 books distributed to Reginald F. Lewis Museum
5/02/2017 75 books distributed to Rockville Science Center
5/02/2017 600 books distributed to Dreamfield International School Ghana Africa
5/01/2017 50 books distributed to New Prime Fitness (Distributor to book swap stations in Winchester, VA)
4/29/2017 50 books distributed to Sherwin Williams Chevy Chase, MD book swap station
4/29/2017 250 books distributed to Rockville Science Center via AAUW
04/24/2017 250 books to Manna Food Distribution Center
04/24/2017 250 books to McCarrick Family Center
04/24/2017 20 books distributed to Brookside Gardens Nature Center - Free Standing Library
4/23/2017 500 books distributed to Rockville Science Day - Montgomery College
3/31/2017 1,000 books distributed to Takoma Park Middle School - STEM Night
3/10/2017 500 books distributed to Glenallan Elementary
3/10/2017 7,500 books distributed to Maryland Book Bank via Discover Books
3/04/2017 300 books distributed to McCarrick Family Center
3/04/2017 50 books distributed to Sherwin Williams Chevy Chase, MD book swap station
3/04/2017 250 books distributed to Chase Partnership House -Rockville, MD
3/04/2017 250 books distributed to Reach Out and Read Distributor (Carol May)
3/02/2017 1,500 books distributed to St. Andrew Apostle School
2/07/2017 500 books distributed to Glenallan Elementary
2/01/2017 3,400 books distributed to Takoma Park Middle School
1/17/2017 1,800 books distributed to Montgomery Knolls Elm.
1/17/2017 1,800 books distributed to Habitat for Humanity Rockville -
1/13/2017 50 books distributed to Sherwin Williams Colesville book swap station
2016 Books Distributed 103,130
12/20/2016 300 books distributed to McCarrick Family Center
12/20/2016 300 books distributed to Midas Book Swap Station
12/12/2016 1500 books distributed to Glenallan Elementary
10/07/2016 9,000 books distributed to Maryland Book Bank
09/21/2016 1,500 books distributed to Gaithersburg Elm. School
09/21/2016 3,000 books distributed to Cherry Hill Elementary School
09/21/2016 3,000 books distributed to Patterson Park Public Charter School
09/17/2016 3,000 books distributed to Brook Haven School Pending TBO
09/16/2016 1,500 United Church of Jesus Christ Apostolic
09/08/2016 500 books distributed to Goodwill Rockville
09/06/2016 200 books distributed to Glenallan Elementary
09/06/2016 3,600 books distributed to Kemp Mill Elementary
09/02/2016 500 books distributed to Glenallan Elementary
08/29/2016 3,000 books distributed to Henderson Hopkins (scheduled)
08/28/2016 1,150 books distributed to Africa Gives Back International
08/25/2016 1,500 books distributed to Reach Out and Read T. Kaplan, VA
08/20/2016 10,000 books distributed at The World Trade Center Baltimore
08/17/2016 300 books distributed to Jason Henry - Teacher at Rock Creek Forest Elem School
08/16/2016 300 books distributed to Troy Smith - Teacher at Cresthaven Elementary School
08/16/2016 9,000 books distributed to Africa Gives Back International
07/29/2016 1,500 books distributed to Reach Out and Read T. Kaplan, VA
07/22/2016 200 books distributed to Reach Out and Read T. Kaplan, VA
07/16/2016 7,500 books distributed at Rockville Town Square, Montgomery County, MD
07/01/2016 70 books delivered to Catholic Charities
06/22/2016 15,000 books to Sanctuary of Life Outreach Center, Rock Hill SC
05/15/2016 6,000 books to Glenallan Elementary
04/25/2016 150 books to Catholic Charities
04/22/2016 250 books distributed to Mary's Center
04/18/2016 2,000 books to Manna Food Distribution Center
03/06/2016 4,500 distributed to Savers Remainder Adult Books
03/03/2016 1,500 books distributed to Books International Goodwill
03/03/2016 300 books to Manna Food Distribution Center
02/26/2016 2,500 books books distributed to Books International Goodwill
02/17/2016 1,400 books distributed to Clover Mill Elementary School
02/17/2016 800 books distributed to Glenallen Elementary School
01/18/2016 7,600 distributed to Savers
2015 Books Distributed 33,275
12/18/2015 810 books distributed to Twinbrook Friends of The Library
12/18/2015 210 books distributed to Our House - Residential Job Training Center
12/18/2015 450 books distributed to Glenallen Elementary School
12/10/2015 250 books distributed to Brown Station Elementary School
12/07/2015 540 books distributed to Books International Goodwill
12/07/2015 40 books distributed to Brookside Nature Center Free Standing Library
12/07/2015 240 books distributed to Maryland Prison Libraries
12/07/2015 630 books distributed to Twinbrook Friends of The Library
12/07/2015 1,200 books distributed to Books International Goodwill
12/07/2015 200 books distributed to Brown Station Elementary School
11/13/2015 400 books distributed to Glenallen Elementary School
11/13/2015 450 books distributed to Manna
11/02/2015 650 books distributed to Glenallen Elementary School
10/15/2015 40 books distributed to Brookside Nature Center Free Standing Library
10/02/2015 1,100 books distributed to Books International Goodwill
10/02/2015 800 books distributed to Glenallen Elementary School
9/21/2015 200 books distributed to Glenallen Elementary School
9/1/2015 200 books distributed to Glenallen Elementary School
09/01/2015 40 books distributed to Brookside Nature Center Free Standing Library
8/27/2015 1,000 books distributed to Glenallen Elementary School
7/16/2015 10,000 books distributed to Books International Goodwill- Adult Books (they ship the books to prisons and countries where there is mass poverty).
7/6/2015 50 books distributed to Mary's Center, Takoma Park, MD
6/30/2015 50 books distributed to National Center For Children and Families
6/30/2015 700 books distributed to Goodwill (350 Rockville / 350 Gaithersburg)
6/30/2015 Monetary Donation $200.00 from a private donor (paid for part of the rental truck needed for St. Raphael's book collection).
6/29/2015 3,700 books distributed to Maryland Prison System. Eutaw Street, Baltimore, MD
6/29/2015 1,200 books distributed to Gaithersburg Elm.
6/29/2015 600 books distributed to MANNA Food Center, Gaithersburg, MD
6/29/2015 300 books distributed to Sligo Creek Elm. Silver Spring, MD
6/7/2015 700 books received from a private donor.
6/6/2015 250 Books - Book Swap Station Established: Winchester VA New Prime Fitness
6/5/2015 50 books distributed to Montgomery County Literacy Council, Rockville, MD
6/5/2015 250 Books - Book Swap Station Established: Wheaton, MD Solar Nails
6/5/2015 1,000 Books - Book Swap Station Established: Wheaton, MD Midas
5/21/2015 350 books distributed to Piney Branch Elm. Book Swap Sation
4/10/2015 500 Books distributed to prison systems via Foundry Church, Washington DC
4/5/2015 75 books distributed to Lynn Care Nursing Home, Berryville, VA.
3/31/2015 2,300 books distributed to Maryland Prison System. Eutaw Street, Baltimore, MD
3/13/2015 550 books distributed Margaret Schweinhaut Senior Center Book Swap Event, Silver Spring, MD
3/05/ 2015 300 books distributed to prison systems via Foundry Church, Washington DC
2/3/2015 500 books distributed to Homeless Children's Playtime Project Washington, DC
To date, over 100,000 books have been distributed.
Velocity of Books was a community service project, which received non-profit status in 2015. As a result, all prior action was not placed in an official log.
We will be working on typing in prior book donations and distributions. Thankfully, the schedule of book collections and distributions was kept on our appointment calendars. It is now a matter of going over prior records and populating the content.
10/21/2014 1,200 books distributed Margaret Schweinhaut Senior Center Book Swap Event, Silver Spring, MD
National Center for Children and Families
Takoma Park Elm 2,400 books (six school-wide book distributions at this school.)
Piney Branch Elm. 3,000 books distributed (three school-wide book distributions at this school). Established and maintained book swap station.
Thousands of books and audios were sent to various locations, such as:
Reach Out and Read
Alexandria Dept of Health
Kennedy Krieger
This picture is of Jack and Julian Thompson, Co-founders. The picture was taken in January 2015 at Piney Branch Elm.
Jack and Julian started Velocity of books in 2011, when they were five and seven years old.
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Velocity of Books on Facebook
Contact with us via Facebook. Velocity of Books Facebook Page.
You'll get a good idea of the impact your donations and our volunteers are making on the community, when you go to our Facebook page.