Helping Low Income People Access Books of Interest
Poor people are least likely to have books in their homes. Thus perpetuating the legacy of poverty. Your book donations make a difference.
Throughout the year Velocity of Books provides thousands of books to community service organizations such as Catholic Charities Center in Silver Spring, MD. They, in turn, provide the books to people who come to their services:
- Case management, crisis intervention, and referral services
- Choice Food Pantry
- Mobile Market (produce distribution)
- Clothing, shoes, and diapers
- Parent Education and Empowerment Group (Abriendo Puertas)
- Financial Education classes
- Rent, Mortgage and Utility Assistance
- Financial assistance for single mothers with cancer
- Immigration Legal Services
- Services for pregnant women
More than 400 books were delivered on a single day.
Thank you to our corporate sponsors:
Real Estate Search and Sale
The Washington Post
Nationwide Mortgage
Wheaton Midas
Gareth Hinds
Tom Doherty Associates
Maryland Carpet and Title
Main Street Settlements
Westfield Wheaton
Groovetown Lounge
Rockville Kiwanis
Silver Spring - Takoma Park Thunderbolts
Bethesda BigTrain
TD Bank
Robert's Oxygen
The Puppet Co.
Chuck Levins
The Crimestoppers
Solar Nails
British Swim School
Spidersmart Learning Center
WFT Engineering
New Prime Fitness