Niagara Falls Library




Literacy programs vary considerably from one town to the next, and certainly between different countries.

From my perspective the Niagara Falls library system is much better than the Montgomery County, Maryland library system. In Niagara Falls they have an amazing summer reading program sponsored by TD bank and the Canadian government. They have incentives and greatly encourage reading. they have visually appealing summer reading packet, which entice the students to actually read. The packets are given to them at the end of the school year showing that intuitive is taken to help the students.

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Glenallen Book Bank


With the help of volunteers, we established a book bank at Glenallen Elementary School then we shipped them 5,000 books, and now it is open for all kids Monday through Thursday from June 28th to August 11th. The volunteers that want Student Service Learning hours can get some from Glenallen Elementary School by organizing the book bank and showing people around. At least 200 kids have used the book bank.

Our primary motivation is helping the kids get books because the library is being rebuilt for the next two years. The kids have easy access to the book bank because they live nearby. The book bank promotes summer reading. Kids can travel the short distance and are permitted six books per visit.

The principal Mr. Moran's motivation for hosting the book bank is helping kids maintaining the same reading level, or achieving a higher reading level. They will bring back the book bank next summer because it was a prodigious success. Everyone in the school was crawling all over it. Reading over the summer promotes academic success and prepares students for the next school year.
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Pennsylvania Kiwanis Club Literacy Meeting


This week Velocity of Books visited the Edinboro Kiwanis and the Erie Kiwanis Clubs. We shared the history and success of Velocity of Books. More importantly:

-Edinboro Club has a program in which they give pocket dictionaries to third graders

- They read to elementary school students

- They learned that the Erie Youth Center is an organization which will take their remainder books after events

- They now know that they can access thousands of free books directly from Discover Books


Erie Kiwanis Club told us how there's a stationary bus full of free books, which people are welcome to come take. Erie Club also told us that Hooked On Books had supplied the community with more than 40,000 books in the previous year.  Velocity of Books is hoping to start supplying Hooked On Books with the books they need to serve their community.


                                                                                                                                            By: Jack and Julian Thompson

First Tour to Eradicate Illiteracy 2016

It is our goal to support the grassroots efforts of community organizations, so that illiteracy may be eradicated.


This Sunday, June 19, 2016, Jack III, Julian and Carolyn will begin their tour of the United States to eradicate illiteracy.  They are meeting with clubs, groups, associations, councils, foundations, schools and non-profits, which promote literacy. 




SSL Montgomery County - We Are Approved to Provide SSL Hours

Velocity of Books has been approved for Montgomery County Public Schools SSL Hours!

Volunteers interested in helping out with the book festival on July 16th can sign up here.  You'll be contacted with additional information:



Rockville Rock'n Read 2016


Join us for music, games, prizes and of course books.  ***More than 10,000 books will be given away at this event.***

Rockville Town Square - 30 Maryland Avenue Rockville, MD 20850

July 16th, 2016 Noon-4:00pm

Rockville Rock'n Read Details

Glenallan Elementary School Gets Ready To Become A Summer Library

Glenallan Elementary School prepares to host students at their summer library.



In preparation for thousands of children using the school as a library this summer, Glenallan is bringing in the books.

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Systems for Promoting Literacy


                                  We deliver books rain or shine

This is one of numerous examples of book collection and distribution.

Last Saturday, we served breakfast at this shelter on Gude Dr. in Rockville, with Kiwanis Club of Rockville.

We noticed that there was an entire library of books very few people were using. We suggested that they start boxing up the books they don't want, so that they could be removed. Thus, they would have room for fresh books of interest.

It was our intention to bring the books to other organizations which could use them.  We took a pause and realized that this is not a sustainable action.   It would keep us in the loop.  If we are going to help thousands of communities, the communities must be able to help themselves.

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Rock'n Read Erie Kickoff Meeting


Carolyn Thompson, Co-founder of Velocity of Books meets with youth advocates and stakeholders to discus bringing the Rock'n Read program to Erie, PA.

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